How to Set Up and Integrate the Facebook Pixel for Better Ad Performance

Boost the effectiveness of your Facebook ads with the Facebook Pixel. Learn how to set it up on your website or app, and integrate it with other platforms for more comprehensive data and insights.

4 min readApr 28, 2023
Setup and Integrate Facebook Pixel

Remember when it was enough to add a picture of a cat or dog and your ad could get hundreds of reposts, likes, and whatever else? Yeah, that doesn’t work anymore. Now, the best way to get new clients is with relevant, personalized marketing directed at your target audience.

So now you may ask-

How can I do that?

One way is to segment your audience. A so-called pixel can help you gather the information you need for segmentation.

What is the Facebook Pixel and Why You Need It

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you install on your website or app, which enables Facebook to track the actions of users who interact with your site. It allows you to collect data (audience insight) on how people are interacting with your website, such as what pages they’re visiting, what products they’re adding to their cart, and what actions they’re taking on your site (ROI measurement). With this data tracking, you can optimize your online advertising (Facebook campaigns), retarget people who have shown interest in your products or services, and track your conversions.

Pixels are common across most advertising platforms. You can use a pixel to drop a cookie that will track website visitors so you can show special advertisements to them later.

This is called retargeting.

Setting Up the Facebook Pixel

To set up the Facebook Pixel, you need to have a Facebook Business Manager account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free. Once you have a Business Manager account, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Events Manager in your Facebook Business Manager account.

Events Manager

Step 2: Click on the “Connect Data Sources” button and select “Web.”

Data Source

Step 3: Select “Facebook Pixel” and click on “Connect.”

Facebook Pixel

Step 4: Name your pixel and enter your website URL.


Step 5: Follow the instructions to pixel installation code on your website or app.

Installation Process

Integrating the Facebook Pixel with Your Website/App

Once you’ve installed the Facebook Pixel on your website or app, you can integrate it with various platforms and tools to collect more data and optimize your campaigns. Here are some of the most common integrations:

Facebook Pixel Integration Partners
  1. Shopify: If you’re using Shopify to run your online stores, you can easily integrate the Facebook Pixel with your store. Shopify has a built-in integration with Facebook, which allows you to track purchases, add-to-carts, and other events.
  2. Google Analytics/Google Tag Manager: By integrating the Facebook Pixel with Google Analytics, you can get a more comprehensive view of your website’s performance. You can track website conversions, see how long people are spending on your site, and get insights into your audience.
  3. Email Marketing Tools: You can also integrate the Facebook Pixel with your email/digital marketing tools (like, Hubspot) to retarget people who have opened your emails or clicked on your links.
  4. CRM Systems: Integrating the Facebook Pixel with your CRM (Customer relationship management) system (like, Drupal, Wix, etc.) allows you to track the actions of your leads and customers for your e-commerce. This way, you can segment your audience based on their behavior and target them with personalized ads.

Best Practices for Facebook Pixel Setup and Integration

When it comes to Facebook advertising, setting up and integrating the Facebook Pixel can make all the difference in the performance of your ads. However, it’s important to approach the setup and integration process with best practices in mind.

Some key tips to consider include-

  • Maintain user privacy
  • Avoid common mistakes in setup and integration
  • Test your pixel to ensure it’s working properly
  • Keep up-to-date with new features and updates to the Facebook Pixel.


Facebook Pixel is a useful and convenient tool for those who want to increase the effectiveness of their marketing on Facebook and Instagram. It’s installed on your site, collects data about user actions, and sends this data to your Facebook advertising account. Thanks to this data, you can:

  • Create target audiences for successful remarketing,
  • Track conversions and evaluate advertising payback, and
  • Optimize your advertising campaigns by showing them to users who are more likely to complete a conversion.




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